Home » Breakfast Recipes » Dark Chocolate Blueberry Scones (teaser)

Dark Chocolate Blueberry Scones (teaser)

Dense, yet moist scones. Lovingly filled with dried blueberries and dark chocolate chips. Treat yourself to this decadent breakfast treat.

My jam is about to start! Actually it’s just these Dark Chocolate Blueberry Scones. These are one of my favorites. I mean what’s better than a thick, biscuit-like scone filled with dark chocolate and blueberries. Maybe the next best thing is this fresh warm scone while sipping your favorite cup of coffee. Ahh blissful memories.

Dark Chocolate Blueberry Scones - www.platingpixels.com

Is it me, or are scones fun to make as well! You can act like a kid and just dig into the dough and get all messy. That’s the best way to mix the dough for this recipe. No fancy kitchen tools needed, just a willingness to get a bit messy and have those flour spots on your shirt; don’t worry they wash out easily. Once you have the dough made, shape into a large perfect round disc and cut into even triangles of flavor bombs. This is the part where my slight (healthy) obsession of lining things up kicks in. This must be my graphic design background; which ensures things around the house, and in the kitchen, are perfectly organized in straight lines or squared. In the case of this scones recipe – triangles. Thank you right side creative brain for that character trait.

Dark Chocolate Blueberry Scones - www.platingpixels.com

Bake for a short time, get your coffee ready, then sit back and enjoy these dense flaky scones. Just the right amount of sweetness paired with euphoric dark chocolate and blueberry. To find the recipe head over to Mary’s Chattavore at the link below. We traded guest posts. If you’re a blogger I can’t recommend this enough. It’s a new opportunity to meet more bloggers, plus get a variety of recipes on your blog. She made this Cherry Limeade Bars recipe which you can find right here on my blog.

Click here for my Dark Chocolate Blueberry Scones recipe.

Dark Chocolate Blueberry Scones - www.platingpixels.com

– Recipe adapted from my White Chocolate Cranberry Scones.

Breakfast Recipes | Recipes | Vegetarian

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    1. You should try Chrisy! I made the recipe and instructions as straight forward as possible. I’m sure they’ll come out great for you!

  1. These scones look so delicious, then again every recipe I have seen from you guys has looked amazing, and the recipes I’ve tried were great.

  2. Oh dear. I have an industrial sized bag of dark chocolate chips and some blueberries in the freezer. I think I know what I’m having for breakfast next week. =)

  3. I totally love this flavor combination, in fact, I may or may not have just eaten half of a chocolate bar with blueberries in it for breakfast ;). These scones would have been a much better choice!

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