Interested in working with Plating Pixels?
As a food blog, Plating Pixels is open to all sorts of brand and partnership opportunities. I also do recipe development, food photography, and writing. Please contact me to discuss the partnership opportunities suggested below, or any other ideas you might have. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Recipe Development: I love creating new recipes, and have worked with brands to develop special and seasonal recipes. These recipes can be hosted on your site exclusively, a shared promotion on your site with a link back to me, or on Plating Pixels with mentions and links to your product site.
Food Styling & Photography: I’m an experienced food stylist and food photographer. I shoot with professional Canon equipment in his home studio under beautiful natural light. I can photograph your existing recipes or develop and photograph new recipes together. Located in Salt Lake City and can also travel or work virtually.
Sponsored Posts: If you have products that you think would connect with our readers, then I’d like to promote you!
Brand Ambassadorship: Represent your brand, product and/or service as an ongoing brand ambassador. Partnership opportunities can include creating content to promote your brand within our posts or on your website, social media touting, ad spaces, and more.
Ads: Various advertising sizes, locations, and pricing are available upon request to host on Plating Pixels.
Freelance Writing and Editorials: Develop unique and specific content for your products and services. This can include freelance recipe development, editorial writing, guest posting, or any ideas you may have.
Conference Attendance: Represent your brand or product at relevant conferences.
Giveaways, Contests, and Product Reviews: If you have a product or service that you would like to promote to our readers, please contact me. Plating Pixels can host a review and/or giveaway here on our site.
CONTACT: Please contact me to discuss freelance or partnership opportunities. You can download my media kit here. Looking forward to connecting with you!
BRAND DISCLOSURES: In an effort to be fair to our readers, we always disclose our partnerships with brands. Per FTC guidelines we will include a disclaimer in any post which is written on behalf of a company or partner.